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4 Reasons You Keep Getting Sinusitis

4 Reasons You Keep Getting Sinusitis

An infection of the sinus linings around the nose, sinusitis so frequently accompanies colds and allergies that many people think they’re one illness. It’s easy to get that impression with acute sinusitis, which usually lasts a few weeks at the most. 

That’s only one of several types of sinusitis, though. The others last longer, and in some cases, they may interfere with your daily life or spread infection to other parts of your body. When sinusitis is more than a temporary problem, the head and neck specialists at Lawrence Otolaryngology Associates can help with diagnosis and treatment. 

Understanding why sinusitis persists can help you recognize when the condition arises so you can get the treatment you need to break the cycle. 

Persistent sinusitis

Virtually everyone knows the misery of the respiratory symptoms that can accompany a cold or allergies. It lasts about 7-10 days before your body fights it off, the classic pattern of acute sinusitis. 

There are other patterns too, each of these lasting longer than two weeks while often not responding to home care. These types of sinusitis are: 

Any of these persistent infections can leave you feeling tired and achy with a sore throat, coughing, and fever. Your nose may be runny, or mucus could drain into your throat. 

4 reasons you keep getting sinusitis

Sinusitis recurs or lingers for a number of reasons. Four of the most common reasons are: 

Blocked airways

Anything that can block your nasal passages can create conditions that cause sinusitis. We’ve already seen how colds and allergies can start an episode. Sinusitis can also be set in motion by the flu or asthma, and even conditions like cystic fibrosis. 

Deviated septum

Physical blockages can also interfere with sinus drainage. Any time mucus flow is interrupted, conditions for infection improve. The septum, the cartilage divider between your nostrils, is often asymmetrical, and it can interfere with sinus drainage. 

Nasal polyps

Benign growths from the tissue lining your nasal passages, polyps won’t harm you directly, but they’ll use up valuable space that your sinuses use to drain. 


The infections behind sinusitis can be very different. Viral, bacterial, or fungal infections can all create the inflammation and mucus overproduction that leads to long-lasting or recurring sinus issues. 

With the variety of reasons behind sinusitis, you need the expertise available through Lawrence Otolaryngology Associates.

Call the nearest office in Lawrence or Ottawa to arrange an exam to determine the cause of your condition, as well as a treatment plan to break the infection cycle. The next step is up to you. Book your consultation with the head and neck specialists now.

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